Well Built. Well Loved.

Westerra is proud to work with exceptional Regina home builders that design and craft some of the highest quality and most stunning homes in the city. We are pleased to offer a variety of housing types throughout the community, including single family homes, semi-detached homes, duplexes, and townhomes. Westerra is now open to all qualified home builders (some conditions apply).

View the following maps to explore Westerra’s Overall Neighbourhood Plan and Residential Plans for Phase One & Phase Two.

Overall Neighbourhood Plan

NEW Subdivision

Large Format Retail

Mixed-Use Community Retail

Main Street Retail

High Density Residential

Medium Density Residential

Low Density Residential

Business Park

Parks & Green Spaces

Future Phases

INTERACTIVE MAP: Click an area on the map for more information. Use the + and - buttons to zoom in or out.

Residential Plan (Phase Two) - New Subdivision!


Move-in Ready

Show Home

On Hold by Builder

Sold to New Resident

For Sale by Builder

INTERACTIVE MAP: Click a lot on the map for more information. Use the + and - buttons to zoom in or out.

Meet Our Builders

We are proud to work with very talented builders that offer their own unique styles and specialties. We invite you explore and discover which one best suits your personal taste and budget.

Daytona Homes

Daytona Homes

Head Office

7800 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, SK S4T 1E6

(306) 779-2288


Pacesetter Homes

Pacesetter Homes

Head Office

C-810 McDonald Street
Regina, SK S4N 2X6

(306) 565-4663


Avana Builds

Avana Builds

Head Office

1735 Victoria Ave E
Regina SK S4N 6P1

(306) 205-5404


Crawford Homes

Crawford Homes

Head Office

533 Victoria Ave
Regina, SK S4N 0P8

(306) 525-9801
